
Thursday, March 24

America, why I didn't want to come back... like this.

I am officially back in the US. Part of me is glad to be back, considering the chaos the country is going through one less foreigner to feed it probably a good thing. It doesn't make it any less difficult. The decision to return was not of my own doing. My home University pulled the study abroad program for all Japanese Universities in Tokyo and Nagoya for the Spring Semester. It pains me greatly to see it have come to this. Our decision to stay or leave was of no consequence; we should've be allowed to stay at our liability.

My Japanese was finally starting to click -- things were making sense. I was starting to truly take the language seriously (being surrounded by like-minded folk helped, a lot, too). Next semester I was scheduled to take an Intensive Japanese course, one that would be three hours a day, every week day. With that class, I know my Japanese would sky-rocket. However, now that isn't to be the case. I couldn't be more disappointed.

So, being back in America... What does that mean for me and my education? No idea, honestly. I am back, that is the only thing for sure at this moment. UNCC has yet to decided what is to become of my Spring Semester, we had some preferences and I chose Independent (but, still guided) Study from now till end of Summer Session.

I miss Japan and everyone I met there greatly. All my Koganei lads, all my Sophia brethren, all of them. I am surely lost.

Now, I have a few options... Sit and mope about being back in America or Make the most out of the situation. I have chosen the latter and have already gotten back to one of my passions: Martial Arts. It didn't take long, but I've already been back to the Dojo training. I am currently in the process of setting up several Goals for myself involving the Martial Arts to keep myself motivated and on track. More so, I've set up some Goals to keep myself motivated in other areas of my life as well.

Here are some of my goals.....

  • Advance in my Martial study
  • Continue to Study Japanese
  • Finish my Comic/Manga/Doujinshi thing
  • Focus on school (as much as my Uni will let me)

Now that I am back in the USofA, do I continue my "Gregor the Wizard vs Japan" idea? Or will this be the last entry? I honestly don't know yet. I've seen people, more motivated than I, stop such endeavors upon their return. I believe a few more entries are in order, honestly. The next few will be a series on my Spring Break (while it lasted) and my 大冒険 (Grand Adventure) with Aaron and Greg...

So Stay Tuned for those! Thanks for reading, people!


1 comment:

  1. Definitely continue the blog. You can always change its title. In the larger scheme of things, in terms of The Universe's wisdom, it may be some time until your forced displacement makes sense. Regardless, I'm glad you had the opportunity and that you made it happen. Most people only talk of such things. You did it.
    I also look forward to training with you again.
