
Monday, October 11

My first Test...

Today was my first test in Japanese class. A unit test on some chapter in these god awful books. I must say the review in this unit was stellar -- I can now give and receive to my seniors!

"I gave Sensei my homework!"


Cynicism aside, I do actually enjoy the review. Sometimes it's quite mundane, but I think it will be good for my overall studies and communication. My weakest point in Japanese is vocabulary. I just don't know a lot of words -- useful words anyway. So, the vocabulary is very helpful. I learn new words everyday, now. With daily interactions and things of the nature, I get new words and phrases and try to use them once I learn them. An example of this is "Non-smoking section" -- 禁煙席 -- when I went on one of my many excursions to my favorite Italian restaurant "Saizuriya." I arrived in Saizuriya and was greeted by the hostess and she asked something I had never heard before, I asked for her to repeat it and she said "Kienseki-desu?" and I looked at her like I was a baby giraffe figuring out how long it takes a sip of water to reach my stomach. She polietly said, hiding her disdain I'm sure, "Non-smoking?" I nodded and she showed me to a seat. There are many things in this world I abhor, one is old people on the train, but two is me looking stupid. Well, more stupid than usual. While enjoying the only place in civilization that beleives in refills, I looked up on my trusty iPhone app "Kotoba!" this "Kienseki." To my disbelief, it was there -- clear as day. "Non-smoking section" = "Kinenseki"... Amazing. Now, I just get stumped on every other word she says. But, damn it, now I won't choke on cigarette smoke.

The academics at Sophia are quite interesting. They require us to read an awful lot. I'm not sure I like that. I read in Community College, I want to sit around and theorize and philosophize[sic] and stuff. I guess I'll just have to wait till Graduate school -- unless I go to UofChicago where apparently you actually do work... I don't mind studying, but reading an egregious amount on the Introduction to Sociology? Come on, I already passed a class called that! Oh, Gender Stratification through Sociology, passed a class called that too. Eastern Religions, yup. Post-war Japan, okay you got me there. Let's read cool things, that's all I'm saying.

Seriously, though, I enjoy the classes. They're (mostly) engaging and quite interesting in their respective topics. I guess I should tell you what I am taking...

  • Japanese 2
  • Religion, Modernity, and Postcolonialism
  • Religion, Culture, and Society
  • Post-war Japan: Society
I am a Relgious Studies major hidden in a International Studies Major's body. Or, at the very least, a Sociologist in the closet. Haha... I enjoy the classes I am taking -- long story short.

My dorm processes a colorful crew. I enjoy the company of our crew very much! We went out for Nomihodai again this weekend, however, there were these annoying drinking games that made it quite difficult to actually enjoy your drink. Now, true GAMES are all well and good. But, RULES are fucking retarded. One RULE was "You aren't allowed to point or say the word 'Drink.'" The pointing thing was fine, I generally don't point at people anyway. The word "Drink", however, is intrinsic to drinking. One must inevitably say "drink" when you are consuming liquid. That RULE is all well and good, too. Only caught me once with it. The next rule bothered the living fuck out of me. It was, "There's a little man living in your beer. Every time you take a drink, you must remove the man, consume your beverage whilst holding the man, and then placing him back into your beverage." What the crap. That's was soooooo annoying. I only got caught the first time, because I had no idea what was going on, but that turned me off immediately to the little man living in my drink. That little man can go off himself on the Chuo Train line with the 1000 other people. Next time we Nomihodai, I will not participate in the little man shenanigans claiming he died by instantaneous Jeet Kune Do explosion and anyone who questions me will be next. Fuck you, little man. Get out of my beer. Haha... The simple things in life.

Today's a national holiday, so the trains were quite clear. I managed to get on a Super Rapid Train that skipped all stops that are tiny on my way home today. I got off at Mitaka to switch back to the regular Rapid, so i could actually get home. Well, I'm going to do some homework and laundry.


1 comment:

  1. Ah you're ahead of me- though I'm definitely learning some things in 150 that I haven't seen before, such as the comparing of three things and some of the "no de" things...
    but I needed to know that word too >< me and Tyesha ended up almost in the middle of a bunch of smokers x.x it was horrible and she's got asthma as is...

    and lol I'm taking Culture and Identity, Web design, and a pre-modern japanese Literature course on top of 150. Everything's looking good except for the lack of internet XD

    Glad to hear that you're having a good time though- don't forget to text me when you get a phone!
